Christoph Bangert im Gespräch mit Sven Schumacher
Christoph Bangert arbeitete als Fotograf in Afghanistan, Palästina, Nigeria und Darfur, und berichtete für die New York Times über den Krieg im Irak. 2014 veröffentlichte er das Buch War Porn. Darin setzt er sich mit der grausamen Realität des Krieges und dem Phänomen der Selbstzensur bei Fotografen, Redaktionen und Betrachtern auseinander und stellt sich die Frage, welche seiner Bilder ungedruckt bleiben. Im Gespräch berichtet Christoph Bangert über seine Arbeit als freier Bildjournalist, über die Prozesse der Bildauswahl und die Möglichkeiten der Veröffentlichung heute.
12 Euro, ermäßigt 8 Euro. Die Veranstaltung ist im Museumseintritt inbegriffen.
Language: German
moreEstelle Blaschke im Gespräch mit Susanne Holschbach und Esther Ruelfs
Estelle Blaschke ist Fotohistorikerin und beschäftigt sich mit den Prozessen, die hinter den Bildveröffentlichungen stehen, etwa mit den Archiv- und Datenbankstrukturen oder den Metadaten von Bildern. In dem Gespräch wird es um aktuelle Entwicklungen gehen, welche die Bildselektion in Agenturen und Internetplattformen beeinflussen. Bei der Frage nach dem „guten“ Bild geht es längst nicht mehr um individuelle Entscheidungen, sondern Algorithmen beeinflussen, was angeboten wird und was nicht, und bringen somit bestimmte Sichtbarkeiten hervor.
Susanne Holschbach ist Autorin von Bilder verteilen. Fotografische Praktiken in der digitalen Kultur.
Eine Veranstaltung des MKG in Kooperation mit der Sektion Geschichte und Archive der DGPh
12 Euro, ermäßigt 8 Euro. Die Veranstaltung ist im Museumseintritt inbegriffen.
Language: German
moreMathias Königschulte im Gespräch mit Annette Vowinckel
Obwohl sie entscheiden, welche Bilder in den Medien veröffentlicht und so Teil unseres kollektiven Gedächtnisses werden, findet die Arbeit von Bildredakteuren weitgehend im Verborgenen statt. Nur selten sind sie namentlich bekannt. Über das Berufsbild und die Frage, wie die Akteure in den Redaktionen, die öffentliche Debatte mitbestimmen, sprechen Mathias Königschulte und Annette Vowinckel am Beispiel der Bilder vom Hamburger G20-Gipfel 2017.
Mathias Königschulte studierte Fotografie an der Ostkreuzschule in Berlin und arbeitet heute als Bildredakteur für die taz. Annette Vowinckel ist Historikerin am Zentrum für Zeithistorische Forschung Potsdam und hat über die „Agenten der Bilder“ und die Entstehung von Bildgedächtnissen geforscht.
12 Euro, ermäßigt 8 Euro. Die Veranstaltung ist im Museumseintritt inbegriffen.
Language: German
moreWie kaum ein anderes Thema hat die Straßenfotografie unzählige Fotografen und Fotografinnen seit jeher fasziniert und inspiriert. Die aktuelle Ausstellung SPACE im Haus der Photographie präsentiert ein spannendes Kaleidoskop verschiedenster fotografischer Bildsprachen zur Street Photography aus den letzten siebzig Jahren. Doch wie steht es aktuell um die Straßenfotografie? Was sind aktuelle Themen und welche Strategien haben zeitgenössische Fotografen und Künstler entwickelt, um sich von den digitalen Bilderfluten abzuheben? Wie stark ist die freie fotografische Arbeit durch rechtliche und ethische Bedenken heute eingeschränkt? Diese und weitere Fragen sollen auf der Podiumsdiskussion am 27. September erörtert werden, um im Vergleich mit historischen Positionen die aktuelle Bedeutung des Urban Space herauszustellen, aber auch die Zukunft der Street Photography in den Blick zu nehmen.
Teilnehmer der Podiumsdiskussion:
Dr. Sabine Schnakenberg (Kuatorin der Sammlung F.C. Gundlach am Haus der Photographie in den Deichtorhallen Hamburg und Kuratorin de Ausstellung)
Prof. Dr. Christoph Schaden (seit 2010 Professor für Bildwissenschaften an der Fakultät Design der Technischen Hochschule Georg Simon Ohm in Nürnberg und Co-Autor der Publikation „Street. Life. Photography“)
Andreas Herzau (Fotograf, Hamburg und beteiligt in der „Street. Life. Photography“-Ausstellung mit der Serie „Moskau, 2008“)
Moderation: Ulrich Rüter (Fotografie-Historiker und kuratorischer Berater der 7. Triennale der Photographie Hamburg)
3 €
Language: German
A presentation on Joshua Schwebel's (conceptual artist) intervention adressed to art institutional representatives.
One year after the G20 took place in Hamburg, and against the backdrop of rising right-wing violence against refugees and foreigners in Germany, the imperative to stand up for political culture and beliefs is not abstract, but very real and very urgent.
Given the Triennial's political premise, Joshua Schwebel invited the directors of the institutions contributing to the Triennial to attend any one protest taking place in Hamburg concurrent with the Triennial.
In light of this project, the artist's talk and discussion will ask: where does art's political allegiance belong?
Language: English
Language: English
with Sabine Schnakenberg
3 € (plus admission)
Language: German
morein cooperation with Filmförderung Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein.
Guest: Rasmus Gerlach
7,50 € (Regular admission) / Reduced 5 € (with Triennial Festivalpass)
Language: German
Guided Tour „[SPACE] Street. Life. Photography“ in simple language, in cooperation with Bücherhallen Hamburg
Language: German
moreTriennial Programme of short films in cooperation with IKFF Hamburg, curated by Birgit Glombitza, Artistic Director International Short Film Festival Hamburg
Language: Original with english or german subtitles
Reduced Entry Fee with Triennial Festival Pass
moreCan a book change your life? Has a book ever changed you – or how you view cities? The photobook consultation questions and reveals the potential of books on streetphotography. On the occasion of the “Street-photography” exhibition urban anthropologist Alexa Färber (University of Vienna) invites you to spontaneous discussions on photobooks of exhibited works.
Are you a fan of a photographic work that found its way into a book, deriving from an exhibition? Do you love that book? And have you longed to share this fascination for a while already? Then come around to the photobook session on September 15th. The discussions will be captured audio-visually and added to the website
Language: German
Was die Stadtforschung von der Street Photography lernen kann – Ein Gespräch in der Ausstellung „[SPACE] Street. Life. Photography“ mit der Kuratorin Sabine Schnakenberg und Alexa Färber, Professorin für Stadtanthropologie/-ethnographie an der HafenCity Universität
3 € (plus admission)
Language: German
14.09. - 16.09. (3 Days)
FRI 4 PM - 7 PM, SAT/SUN 10 AM - 5 PM
Registration at
Streets, squares and buildings give form to public life. Our urban terrain shapes our viewing habits. In this workshop the participants*inside with their pictures will examine the cityscape and tell a story about the handling of public space.
320 € without material 300 € for students and members of Freundeskreises der Photographie
Language: German
morePOETRY SLAM for the exhibition "[ANTON CORBIJN]. The Living and the Dead“
Moderation: David Friedrich
In cooperation with Kampf der Künste
10 € / 8 €
Language: German
morefor teens aged 14 – 18
Language: German
Director's View: a.somebody [ANTON CORBIJN] The Living and the Dead
With Prof. Dr. Franz Wilhelm Kaiser
Eintritt 12 € / 9 €
Language: German
moreFilm programme curated by Astrid Klein
Language: Original with subtitles
7,50 EUR / Ticket (Normal)
moreAs closing event of the exhibition “Raumspuren. Beyond Achitecture” the BDA Gallery Hamburg shows a cinematic documentary about the building complex of the once largest housing estate (Barbican Estate) and the famous culture and conference center (Barbican Center) of the City of London, one of the most representative achievements of brutalist architecture.
Barbicania is a feature-length film capturing a month long immersion in the life of the Barbican Centre and Estate. The film, built as a personal diary, recounts on a daily basis what the directors duo has discovered during their urban trip from the top floors of the towers to the underground levels of the art centre. Barbicania invites you to discover the personalities, lifestyle and architectural landscapes that make the Barbican so special. Drawing an intimate human map of the place, the film questions the durability of this post Second World War utopia.
The renowned filmmakers Ila Bêka & Louise Lemoine became known for their documentary series "Living Architectures". Her works are shown at festivals worldwide and are already part of the collection of the Museum of Modern Art in New York (MoMA).
Welcome: Daniel Kinz, 1st Chairman BDA Hamburg
The film will be presented in English.
France, 2014, HD, colour, 90'
Image : Ila Bêka
Sound : Louise Lemoine
Assistant : Marco Mona
Editing : Ila Bêka & Louise Lemoine
Production : Bêka & Partners
Language: English
moreGuided Tour through the exhibition with the collector Harald Falckenberg
Registration required at
Language: German
moremax. 25 Participants, pre sales
Participation Fee 4€ (plus Admission)
Language: German
moreLanguage: English
Triennial Programme of short films in cooperation with IKFF Hamburg, curated by Birgit Glombitza, Artistic Director International Short Film Festival Hamburg
Language: Original with english or german subtitles
Reduced Entry Fee with Triennial Festival Pass
morePhotography Workshop with photographer André Lützen
from 24.08. - 26.08. (3 Days)
FRI 4 - 6 PM, SAT/SUN 10 AM - 5 PM
for young adults, aged 16 – 26, as part of “[SPACE] Street. Life. Photography“
Registration at
30 € / 20 € for KdK-Members
Language: German
morewith Sabine Schnakenberg
3 € (plus admission)
Language: German
moremax. 25 Participants, pre sales
Participation Fee 4€ (plus Admission)
Language: German
moreTour with Petra Roettig
Language: German
morein cooperation with Filmförderung Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein.
Guests: Pia Lenz, Carsten Rau
Language: German
Control for orientation: Questions and answeres about surveillance.
Dr. habil. Nils Zurawski, University of Hamburg, Institute for Criminological Social Research. Publisher of
Festivalpass or
Language: German
moreSabine Schnakenberg (curator of the exhibition) in conversation with Ingo Taubhorn (curator in the House of Photography) about the creation of the show.
3 €
Language: German
Film programme curated by Astrid Klein
Language: Original with subtitles
7,50 EUR / Ticket (Normal)
moremax. 25 Participants, pre sales
Participation Fee 4€ (plus Admission)
Language: German
moreDirector's View: Accidental Traveller [ANTON CORBIJN] The Living and the Dead
With Prof. Dr. Franz Wilhelm Kaiser
Eintritt 12 € / 9 €
Language: German
moreWith Helga Eibl
Eine Übersicht der Angebote und weitere Informationen zur Buchung finden Sie im Online-Katalog des Museumsdienstes Hamburg.
Kosten im Museumseintritt inbegriffen
Language: German
moreTour with Stephanie Bunk
Language: German
more23.07 - 27.07, from 2 - 5 PM
“I spy with my little eye …“ – Experimenting with photography, engaging with the exhibition “[CONTROL] NO CONTROL“
For Free
Registration at
Language: German
max. 25 Participants, pre sales
Participation Fee 4€ (plus Admission)
Language: German
in cooperation with Filmförderung Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein.
Guests: Pia Lenz, Carsten Rau
7,50 € / Reduced 5 Euro (with Triennial Festivalpass)
Language: German
max. 25 Participants, pre sales
Participation Fee 4€ (plus Admission)
Language: German
with Katja Schroeder
Language: German
for teens aged 14 – 18
Language: German
with Prof. Dr. Franz Wilhelm Kaiser
12€ / 9€
Language: German
With Rahel Bruns, artist.
Registration required at
Language: German
Film programme curated by Astrid Klein
Language: Original with subtitles
7,50 EUR / Ticket (Normal)
moreFor the exhibition [ANTON CORBIJN] The Living and the Dead.
With Darren Grundorf and Tom Zimmermann.
8€ / 5 €
Language: German
With Ruth Stamm
Kosten im Museumseintritt inbegriffen
Language: German
moreLecture & conversation with Charlie Koolhaas / Rotterdam (NL) - artist & photographer and Monika Grubbauer, Professor of History and Theory of the City at the HafenCity University Hamburg.
The Dutch artist, author and photographer Charlie Koolhaas will present her work as part of the current exhibition "Raumspuren. Beyond Architecture" at the BDA Hamburg Galerie.
Welcome: Daniel Kinz, 1st Chairman BDA Hamburg
Registration is requested at:
Language: English
moreLanguage: English
With Ruth Stamm
Kosten im Museumseintritt inbegriffen
Language: German
moremax. 25 Participants, pre sales
Participation Fee 4€ (plus Admission)
Language: German
Art, Visibility, Surveillance.
Talk with Prof. Dietmar Kammerer, Philpps-University Marburg, author of "Bilder der Überwachung"
Language: German
im Rahmen von der Ausstellung NATHALIE DAOUST – NORTH KOREAN DREAMS.
Christian Eisert Autor von „Kim & Struppi – Ferien in Nordkorea“
Mehr Info und Tickets auf
morewith Music: DJ Live-Set Phil Struck and David Rojkowski
max. 25 Participants, pre sales
Participation Fee 4€ (plus Admission)
Language: German
Daily during the OPENING WEEK from 08.06 - 16.06.2018, 10 PM - 2 AM
Talks and drinks at the Triennale Chill-out with Ingo Taubhorn
with Cale Garrido
Language: German
moreTribute to the founder of Triennial of Photography Hamburg.
Welcoming speech: Monika Schäfer (NDR/Arte)
Language: German
Talk with the artists
Language: German
moremax. 25 Participants, pre sales
Participation Fee 4€ (plus Admission)
Language: German
Daily during the OPENING WEEK from 08.06 - 16.06.2018, 10 PM - 2 AM
Talks and drinks at the Triennale Chill-out with Ingo Taubhorn
Series of projections related to G20 in Hamburg, curated by Margot Klingsporn (Agentur Focus) and Michaela Herold (Der Spiegel)
Language: German + English
Talk with Katharina Schmidt, Initiator of the project “At home in Hamburg”
Language: German
16.06.2018 | 9 –18 Uhr | IPS Studio
Language: German
Participating Artists:
Anna Eckold, Ann Katrin Warter, Charlotte Krauss, Franca Wohlt, Inga Alice Lauenroth, Jana Ritchie, Kathrin Tschirner, Matthias Walendy
Series of talks with international Triennial guests followed by a guided tour
Language: English
Daily during the OPENING WEEK from 08.06 - 16.06.2018, 10 PM - 2 AM
Talks and drinks at the Triennale Chill-out with Ingo Taubhorn
in cooperation with FILMFEST Hamburg.#
Reception und introduction: Albert Wiederspiel
Netherlands, 2016, 72 min.
Regie: Guido Hendrikx
OV with engl. subtitles
In three acts, director and screenwriter Guido Hendrikx explains the European view of the refugee crisis. A teacher in a classroom receives three groups of migrants, each time adopting a different attitude: dismissive in the first part, then full of empathy and good will in the second. In the last part, he represents actual European immigration policy, with all its complex rules. Hendrikx shows where the refugees’ dreams clash with reality and forces us to think hard about our own position. Is it human to categorize someone else’s life? The absurdity of the dilemma is expounded upon in the prologue and epilogue to this political essay.
moreA documentary by Yatri N. Niehaus about the melting ice of Greenland, the beauty of nature and the dramatic changes in the Arctic in recent years.
Language: OV English/German/ Kalaallisut with subtitle
with Katja Schroeder
Language: German
The third exhibition opening at KDK OFF SPACE is coming up: the BodyGuerilla shows their video work. We cordially invite you to a welcome and a soda.
The young woman's cage is no longer called a kitchen, but a bathroom. As a new edition of the video work "Semiotics of the Kitchen" by Martha Rosler, BodyGuerilla now present "Semiotics of the Bathroom". What is new and what remains? What determines the lives of women today? How would they spell their daily oppression?
Language: German
morewith Sabine Schnakenberg
Language: German
With Nina Venus and Alberto Giuliani
Language: English
moreGuided Overview Tour with Ulrich Rüter
with Festivalpass
Language: German
From 3 - 5 PM. Visit of the photography platform [2BOATS] of Claudius Schulze and Maciej Markowicz.
Eröffnung der Ausstellung am Donnerstag, den 14. Juni um 14 Uhr in der Fotofabrique im Hamburger Gängeviertel,
Um 15 Uhr findet eine Führung durch das Gängeviertel statt.
Die Ausstellung ist am Donnerstag 14. 6. und Freitag 15. 6. jeweils von 14 bis 17 Uhr in den Räumen der Fotofabrique, Valentinskamp 34a, Hinterhof, 4. Stock, zu sehen. Ein Aufzug ist vorhanden. Anfahrt: U2 Gänsemarkt,
Dieser Wettbewerb wird von Silvia Götz, Kunstlehrerin am Goethe-Gymnasium, und dem Fachreferat Bildende Kunst der Behörde für Schule und Berufsbildung Hamburg veranstaltet. Mit herzlichem Dank an alle teilnehmenden Schulen:
Grundschule Arnkielstrasse, Max-Brauer-Schule, Gymnasium Othmarschen, Gymnasium Hoheluft, ReBBZ Winterhude Schule Brucknerstrasse, Goethe-Gymnasium, Fritz-Schuhmacher-Schule, STS Ehestorfer Weg, Albert-Schweitzer-Gymnasium, STS Lohbrügge, Gymnasium Hochrad, STS Walddörfer und Charlotte-Paulsen-Gymnasium.
Mit besonderem Dank an die Jury Prof. Bernhard Prinz, Pepa Hristova, Franziska Holz,
Julia Schwalfenberg, Florian Mahro, Franziska Wittkowski und die Fotofabrique.
Foto: Nousha Allahyari, VS Art, Kurs Friederike Baigent, Gymnasium Hochrad
Series of talks with international Triennial guests followed by a guided tour
Language: English
From 10.30 PM: Concert with the Band Seedorf
Daily during the OPENING WEEK from 08.06 - 16.06.2018, 10 PM - 2 AM
Talks and drinks at the Triennale Chill-out with Ingo Taubhorn
in cooperation with Filmförderung Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein.
Guests: Christian Hornung; Lotti Strehlow, Protagonistin and St. Pauli-Legend; Andrea Schütte
and Dirk Decker, Tamtam Film
Language: German
With Beate Gütschow, Künstlerin; Tobias Zielony, Künstler, Fotograf und Filmemacher; Ulrich Pohlmann, Leiter des Fotomuseums im Münchner Stadtmuseum; Franz Wilhelm Kaiser, Direktor des Bucerius Kunst Forums und Kurator der Ausstellung
Moderation: Stefan Koldehoff, Kulturjournalist und AutorModeration: Stefan Koldehoff, cultural journalist and author
Admission 10€ / 8€
Language: German
With Goesta Diercks, Collection- and Exhibition-Manager of the collection Falckenberg
Registration required at
Language: German
Guided Overview Tour with Ulrich Rüter
Language: German
Daily during the OPENING WEEK from 08.06 - 16.06.2018, 10 PM - 2 AM
Talks and drinks at the Triennale Chill-out with Ingo Taubhorn
With Nina Venus and Anastasia Soboleva
Language: English
moreGuided Tour through the viewfinder of a camera. In cooperation with Olympus.
Language: German
with Nina Venus and participating artists from the Off Collective Show – Sightseeing the Real
Language: German
moreDaily during the OPENING WEEK from 08.06 - 16.06.2018, 10 PM - 2 AM
Talks and drinks at the Triennale Chill-out with Ingo Taubhorn
Language: German
A documentary by Yatri N. Niehaus about the melting ice of Greenland, the beauty of nature and the dramatic changes in the Arctic in recent years.
Presented by VisuleX – Gallery for Photography and Planetarium Hamburg, followed by an ARTIST TALK: Nomi Baumgartl, Yatri N. Niehaus and Krzysztof Candrowicz
Language: OV English/German/ Kalaallisut with subtitle
moreWith Nina Venus and Gretje Treiber
Language: German
moreWith Nina Venus and Miriam Stanke
Language: German
with Cale Garrido
Language: German
moreGuided Overview Tour with Ulrich Rüter
with Festivalpass
Language: German
With Nina Venus and Juliane Eirich
Language: German
moreDaily during the OPENING WEEK from 08.06 - 16.06.2018, 10 PM - 2 AM
Talks and drinks at the Triennale Chill-out with Ingo Taubhorn
with Nina Venus and Pawel Jaszczuk
Language: English
moreTriennial Programme of short films in cooperation with IKFF Hamburg, curated by Hanna Nordholt and Fritz Steingrobe, independent filmmakers and curators
Language: Original with english or german subtitles
moreFrom 3 - 5 PM. Visit of the photography platform [2BOATS] of Claudius Schulze and Maciej Markowicz.
with Nina Venus and Jan Cieslikiewicz
Language: English
moreTalk by Ekaterina Degot
Language: English
Philipp Meuser & Cale Garrido about the project, visual narratives in photobooks and the affinity between text and images
Language: German + English
FOR THE EXHIBITION [HOME]. Guided Tour with the photographers
Admission 8,50 €
Language: German
max. 25 Participants, pre sales
Participation Fee 4€ (plus Admission)
Language: German
From 12 - 5 PM. Short public guided tours through the exhibition “Astrid Klein – transcendental homeless centralnervous” + “Conceptual photography of the collection Falckenberg”
Guided Tours: 1+3 PM in German, 4 PM in English
Language: German + English
[OPTION] The UNCONFERENCE is meant to be un-afraid and un-likely and intended as a forum where people can pose new questions or even old ones about photography; then the audience can consider and respond to them. Under the artistic guidance of W.M. Hunt.
Registration via
Festivalpass or Day Ticket
Language: English
moreCome celebrate this year‘s edition of the Triennial above the roofs of Hamburg. Time to dance!
We are happy to have Marco Constanza and Matthias Freimann on the turntables
Free Entry with Festivalpass
moreDaily during the OPENING WEEK from 08.06 - 16.06.2018, 10 PM - 2 AM
Talks and drinks at the Triennale Chill-out with Ingo Taubhorn
Pawel Jaszczuk – ¥ € $ U $
moreSeries of 10 powerful visual narratives curated by Slideluck Editorial
Language: English
moreSaturday 9.6. and Sunday 10.6. the Comune invites for Artist Talk´sand Free Foodpron Action with joint preparation and eating, getting to know and networking as well as discussing and photographing.
Saturday, 9.6.2018 at 20 h, Artist Talk´s (Registration is requested)
Sunday, 10.6.2018 at 14 h, Foodporn for Donation
Language: German
morewith the Israeli photographer Natan Dvir
Further information and registration at
Admission 10€/5€
Language: English
Gretje Treiber – Hamburg Barmbek Nord.
Versuche einer Begegnung
with Virgílio Ferreira and Krzysztof Candrowicz
Language: English
morewith Nina Venus and Alex Heide
Language: German
Jan Cieslikiewicz – Null Hypothesis
Language: English
moreArtist Talk with Richard Mosse about his film ”Incoming“, 2017
Language: English
From 3 - 5 PM. Visit of the photography platform [2BOATS] of Claudius Schulze and Maciej Markowicz.
Guided tour and polish specialities
Language: English
in conversation with Bettina Steinbrügge and Tobias Peper
Language: English
moremax. 25 Participants, pre sales
Participation Fee 4€ (plus Admission)
Language: German
moreMuseums hopping with guided tours through the exhibi- tions „Revolution! Revolution? Hamburg 1918/19“ at the Museum für Hamburgische Geschichte and “[RETURN] Fotografie in der Weimarer Republik“ at the Altonaer Museum
Registration at
Admission incl. free drink and snacks 20€/15€
Language: German
with Nina Venus and Robin Hinsch
Language: German
morewith Nina Venus and Kai-Uwe Gundlach
Language: German
moreOpen from 12 – 5pm. Short public guided tours through the exhibition “Astrid Klein – transcendental homeless centralnervous” + “Conceptual photography of the collection Falckenberg”
Guided Tours: 1+ 3 PM in German, 4 PM in English
with Alison Nordström
Language: English
moreShort presentations of the works by the artists (30 min each). The artists will be present all day.
Language: German
moreAll OFF artists & locations are invited to a get-together.
in collaboration with UNSEEN Amsterdam.
On the turntables DJ Sekan: Red Light Radio accompanied with a projection by artistcollective Maximalist Counter
moreSeries of projections highlighting finalists of MATCH portfolio review
Language: English
Daily during the OPENING WEEK from 08.06 - 16.06.2018, 10 PM - 2 AM
Talks and drinks at the Triennale Chill-out with Ingo Taubhorn
Ingo Taubhorn recommends: Nadja Bournonville, Lilly Lulay, Thomas Albdorf
Language: German
moreLanguage: English
The „2. Internationale Congress on questions of artistic mobility“ deals with the global megatrend of "mobility". In talks, lectures, artistic contributions, photo shows and book presentations, the "Congress" circled the topic and the resulting challenges in a general social as well as subjective and artistic sense.
Almut Hilf, Ulla Deventer, Henning Rogge, Alexander Rischer/Matthias Meyer, Peter Piller, Janina Wick, Wiebke Schwarzhans, Irina Ruppert, Hannes von der Fecht, Carsten Rabe, Knut Sennekamp, David Rojkowski u.a.
Language: German
moreWith the curator Sabine Schnakenberg and several artists shown in the exhibition
Language: English
morePhotographs by Gerd George and Thomas Spring
Curated by Kristina von Bülow
Registration required at
Language: German
Artist talk with photographer Barbara Probst
Festivalpass or
Language: German
morewith the curators of the exhibition [HOME]
Admission 8,50 €, Groups of 10 P. 6 €
Language: German
moreRegistration required at
Language: German
with Téo Pitella and the artists
Language: English
moreMeeting with authors of the Best Polish Photobook of 2017
Language: English
Registration required at
Language: German
Series of projections curated by World Press Photo, NOOR and [PARALLEL] – European Based Platform
9 pm: OPENING with Krzysztof Candrowicz
10 pm: Series of projections curated by World Press Photo, NOOR and PARALLEL – European Based Platform
10:30 pm: CARLOS BARRETTO Live, in cooperation with PARALLEL - European Photo Based Platform
11 pm: Open Air DJ-Set Marie Lung (ILL)
Dr. Carsten Brosda
Minister of Culture and Media, Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg
Prof. Dr. Dirk Luckow
General Director, Deichtorhallen Hamburg
Krzysztof Candrowicz
Artistic Director, Triennial of Photography Hamburg
Anton Corbijn in conversation with Prof. Dr. Franz Wilhelm Kaiser, Director of the Bucerius Kunst Forum
moreOpening and Tour with Dr. Petra Roettig and Stephanie Bunk
moreWith Esther Ruelfs and Sven Schumacher
Kosten im Museumseintritt inbegriffen
Language: German
moreTogether witht the Freundeskreis the Triennial of Photography will be hosting a special portfolio review. 25 international reviewers and 50 photographers will present their work to the public.
moreExhibition of Jan Hofer and Severin Zaugg
Miriam Stanke – And The Mountain Said To Munzur: You, River Of My Tears
moreAnsprache um 19.30 Uhr.
Fünf Teilnehmer haben jeweils zehn Minuten Zeit, ein von ihnen im Vorfeld ausgesuchtes Foto – und die Geschichte dahinter – möglichst interessant und/oder unterhaltsam zu präsentieren.
Zu den Teilnehmern des 1. PhotoSlams zählen: Krzysztof Candrowicz (Kurator der Triennale), Petra Göllnitz (Bildredakteurin stern), Carsten Rabe (Fotograf), David Rojkowski (Historiker/Redakteur LFI) und Jutta Schein (Bildredakteurin Die Zeit).
Language: German + English
moreWelcome Sabine Reinhold
Introduction Thomas Sello, Kunsthistoriker
Film programme curated by Astrid Klein
Language: Original with subtitles
7,50 EUR / Ticket (Normal)
moreMotiongraphs 2015 –2018
Free Admission
Language: English
moreDer Klub der Künste (KdK) zu Besuch auf dem Hausboot von Fotograf Maciej Markowicz
(für junge Erwachsene von 16–26 Jahren)
Anmeldung erforderlich unter
Free Admission
Language: English