Triennial of Photography Hamburg BREAKING POINT. June – September 2018

Bucerius Kunst Forum


Curated by Franz Wilhelm Kaiser – This exhibition will be shown at Bucerius Kunst Forum from 7 June 2018 to 6 Januar 2019.


ARTIST TALK AND SIGNING – “[ANTON CORBIJN]. The Living and the Dead” tph

Do 07.06. 18:00 Uhr

Anton Corbijn in conversation with Prof. Dr. Franz Wilhelm Kaiser, Director of the Bucerius Kunst Forum

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BUCERIUS ART TALK: “How or when does photography become art?“ tph

Mi 13.06. 20:00 Uhr

With Beate Gütschow, Künstlerin; Tobias Zielony, Künstler, Fotograf und Filmemacher; Ulrich Pohlmann, Leiter des Fotomuseums im Münchner Stadtmuseum; Franz Wilhelm Kaiser, Direktor des Bucerius Kunst Forums und Kurator der Ausstellung
Moderation: Stefan Koldehoff, Kulturjournalist und AutorModeration: Stefan Koldehoff, cultural journalist and author

Kosten: Admission 10€ / 8€

Sprache: German

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PUB QUIZ: Anton Corbijn. The Quizzin' and the Dead. tph

Fr 29.06. 19:00 Uhr

For the exhibition [ANTON CORBIJN] The Living and the Dead. 

With Darren Grundorf and Tom Zimmermann. 

Kosten: 8€ / 5 €

Sprache: German

CURATOR´S TOUR Director´s View: Große Freiheit „[ANTON CORBIJN]. The Living and the Dead“ tph

Do 05.07. 18:00 Uhr

with Prof. Dr. Franz Wilhelm Kaiser

Kosten: 12€ / 9€

Sprache: German

CURATOR‘S TOUR [ANTON CORBIJN] The Living and the Dead tph

Do 02.08. 18:00 Uhr

Director's View: Accidental Traveller [ANTON CORBIJN] The Living and the Dead

With Prof. Dr. Franz Wilhelm Kaiser 

Kosten: Eintritt 12 € / 9 €

Sprache: German

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CURATOR‘S TOUR [ANTON CORBIJN] The Living and the Dead tph

Do 06.09. 18:00 Uhr

Director's View: a.somebody  [ANTON CORBIJN] The Living and the Dead

With Prof. Dr. Franz Wilhelm Kaiser 

Kosten: Eintritt 12 € / 9 €

Sprache: German

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Mo 10.09. 19:00 Uhr

POETRY SLAM for the exhibition "[ANTON CORBIJN]. The Living and the Dead“

Moderation: David Friedrich

In cooperation with Kampf der Künste

Kosten: 10 € / 8 €

Sprache: German

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