Triennial of Photography Hamburg BREAKING POINT. June – September 2018

Wenn Gott mal nicht aufpasst (If God isn't careful)

06.06. – 17.06.2018

Tägl. 14–19 Uhr

Tempel 1884

Students, alumni and friends of the School of Art and Design Kassel show their artistic involvement with the theme 'Breaking Point' on the grounds of the former synagogue of the Israelitischer Tempelverband (Israelite temple association). Using diverse artistic strategies which are often subjective and bear trust in personal feelings, the burning questions of a world in a state of rapid change are examined.
A variety of photographic practices as well as an open and experimental approach to neighbouring media such as film, video and installation characterize this exhibiton curated by Bernhard Prinz and Holger Jenss.