Opening and Tour with Dr. Petra Roettig and Stephanie Bunk
mehr erfahrenArtist talk with photographer Barbara Probst
Kosten: Festivalpass or
Sprache: German
mehr erfahrenmax. 25 Participants, pre sales
Kosten: Participation Fee 4€ (plus Admission)
Sprache: German
mehr erfahrenArtist Talk with Richard Mosse about his film ”Incoming“, 2017
Sprache: English
max. 25 Participants, pre sales
Kosten: Participation Fee 4€ (plus Admission)
Sprache: German
max. 25 Participants, pre sales
Kosten: Participation Fee 4€ (plus Admission)
Sprache: German
max. 25 Participants, pre sales
Kosten: Participation Fee 4€ (plus Admission)
Sprache: German
Art, Visibility, Surveillance.
Talk with Prof. Dietmar Kammerer, Philpps-University Marburg, author of "Bilder der Überwachung"
Sprache: German
max. 25 Participants, pre sales
Kosten: Participation Fee 4€ (plus Admission)
Sprache: German
max. 25 Participants, pre sales
Kosten: Participation Fee 4€ (plus Admission)
Sprache: German
max. 25 Participants, pre sales
Kosten: Participation Fee 4€ (plus Admission)
Sprache: German
23.07 - 27.07, from 2 - 5 PM
“I spy with my little eye …“ – Experimenting with photography, engaging with the exhibition “[CONTROL] NO CONTROL“
For Free
Registration at
Sprache: German
Tour with Stephanie Bunk
Sprache: German
mehr erfahrenmax. 25 Participants, pre sales
Kosten: Participation Fee 4€ (plus Admission)
Sprache: German
mehr erfahrenwith Stephanie Bunk
Sprache: German
mehr erfahrenControl for orientation: Questions and answeres about surveillance.
Dr. habil. Nils Zurawski, University of Hamburg, Institute for Criminological Social Research. Publisher of
Kosten: Festivalpass or
Sprache: German
mehr erfahrenTour with Petra Roettig
Sprache: German
mehr erfahrenmax. 25 Participants, pre sales
Kosten: Participation Fee 4€ (plus Admission)
Sprache: German
mehr erfahrenmax. 25 Participants, pre sales
Kosten: Participation Fee 4€ (plus Admission)
Sprache: German
mehr erfahren